About ITCW

For eight years In The Company of Women has been welcoming ALL women to a week of fun in the sun by the ocean at Ferry Beach in Maine. We have gathered to sing, dance, do art, drum, write, swim, kayak, bike, eat ice cream, and play games. We also have luxuriated in doing nothing but napping and reading on the porch! We have shared our stories, affirmed one another's gifts, and voiced our dreams. We have renewed old friendships and opened to new ones. We have created a place that can help open the gates of our hearts to our true selves.

Mornings we meet in groups that share a themed focus. Our afternoons offer a variety of workshops, spontaneous activities, quiet time, and the lure of the sea. You can tie-dye a t-shirt, enjoy nature trips, join our drumming circle, attend a porch chat, or kayak the Saco River. After dinner, we gather as a community to enjoy dancing, Women's Jeopardy, the Talent Show Coffeehouse, and a ritual in the Grove. Night owls can be found playing games at the dining hall, talking on Quillen porch, or stargazing on the beach.

Every year we select a theme that helps shape our intentions for the week. This year our theme will be GATEWAYS. Every one of us has passed through our own spiritual gateways on the path to becoming who we are meant to be. Let us celebrate together the passages we have accomplished, and those we still have yet to walk through.

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